The powerlessness of a powerful decision maker

The appointment of man as the true steward of the universe was ultimate, with hope that man would one day take full control of what was placed before him. The time was not told but the decision to fall in to temptation that led to sin by Adam and Eve seemed the worst ever - creating an opportunity for man to live in error all the time.

The true meaning to sharing, giving, joy, enjoyment, love was totally lost. This was followed by the politics of injustice, the economy of inequality, an environment of pollution and the criminology of human interactions. The choice to either pride or humility took its toll.

The deviations of the key aspects to social processes and disciplines then helped kill the power of decision making. Many choices are generally made without thought, covered with selfish ambitions. The social analysts have constructed theoretical bases for which understanding can be sought but that has too yielded to a mathematical null.

While many institutions and characters choose to employ the SWOT analysis as a formula for objectivity, divide and rule has followed suit. No wonder given the many theoretical frameworks, research papers written, workshops, conferences, technological advancements the universe is more confused than ever before.

Having lost our powers to make the right choices, what then are our choices? How do we choice our thoughts? What often influences our choices? And whom do we affect with the choices we make?

In Africa we have choices that seem ‘choiceless’, to beg or to receive a donation, to vote or to have your vote count for itself, to accept what you see or close your eyes and pretend you have no eyes, to either follow them or simply follow them, to either be a loser or accept defeat and to either deceive or tell a true lie.


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