Has Africa been bound to failure and suffering? [Part 2]

Incidentally we cannot continue crying foul of the economic and environmental injustice we have been through. However we must understand that Africa indeed deserves better though we continue neglecting certain key life issues.

Whatever has happened to us and our leadership is something that seems mysterious. The misery on the other hand is that at no time at all have we created an opportunity for change in our lives. Let’s forget about the NGOs, the development partners, the Missionaries, the Aid, the endless seminars & workshops, the CHOGM gatherings because non of them have had a substantial impact on the REAL plight of Africa – They have instead created confusion and caused the extreme of ’eat like there is no tomorrow ’- greed.

We have indeed been bound and led to this unjust life which has left us in the back seat for decades. With no lesson learnt, it’s not surprising that given the huge amounts and non-depletable resources we have - far from our own imagination including the God given nature and sceneries, probably good climate, Africa cries foul of economic, social and environmental lameness year in, year out.

But have we done anything at all to deserve this? Do we deserve where we are? Were we ever born to suffer? Did our good Lord indeed plan for us to have misery all through our lives? Certainly not!!

Incidentally a number of my friends have fallen in to this trap of arguing that Africa is better off having a militaristic leadership because it’s the only choice, given that civilian leadership has never worked in Africa. Such circumstances have left many bleeding with fury, yet we continue folding our arms in disbelief.

Life is indeed very casual to us. Drugs worth billions of shillings will expire in national drug stores with many dying in hospitals due to shortage of drugs, roads will be filled with gigantic potholes yet money for road construction is lying idle at the banks, pastors will preach prosperity yet the covenants who pay tithe suffer from malnutrition, many remain jobless yet a few grey haired men cling on jobs till the good lord takes them to another world and the ‘big shots’ in governments will continuously plunder tax payers money but the poverty stricken citizens will give them a heroic welcome from prison. Isn’t that bondage to suffering?


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