Discovering the Winning TEAM (Part 1 - The Mind, Will & Emotions)

The Proverbial Thoughts of King Solomon draws it out. Every man has a sense of belief, an inherent strength and repository of experience. For this, the deceptive understanding of self is based on the reasoning faculty of the soul that holds the Mind, Will & Emotions - Only senses the Intellectual World.

Even when self differs from the creative image of who you are supposed to be, there is still a ray of power that we each have. Everyman thus at a certain stage in life ought to be mature in every sense. Yet in general man only employs not more than 10% of his potential. Surrounded by a world that is shaped by failure, many do not have the reflective ability to resonate with the creator's divine plan to power that potential. Death of the man is in self-defeat.

Yet without the inadequacy of a descriptive understanding that "Perfecting a costly machine and neglecting to provide the motive power is ineffectual" creates an imaginary experience of what triumphs with and without. The probability of failure in this case would balance the probability of success in the event that the argument is presented on the contrary. The indispensable qualification is a requirement that suggestively assumes that to have a winning TEAM is the product of a man whose inner ability connects with is heart and mind.

This as we remember that what is seen, felt and gratifies the unquenchable appetite of mankind is only a shadow of what goes back to the dust. The men that explored were in all aspects close to defeat at the slight voice of "it has never and therefore cannot work". Surrounded by sleeping giants, a man is never at peace to face new challenges. While the risk is high, the reward could even be greater. Whether one's risk appetite permits so, its often likely that those that have taken the bigger risk have failed severally yet rose up and propelled back to success.

An imagination of sort will release one from self-defeat. Life is a true picture of an unpredictable journey yet again the picture frame of it acts as a source of self-motivation. 

End of Part 1 (The Self-Defeating Man)


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