Will Mr. Obama sustain this HIGH AFRICAN EXPECTATION?

As the entire world watched a young energetic orator use his God given skill to speak his way to probably the most prestigious office, many Africans were surely in wonder land at how ones’ destiny lies in the confidence of aiming for the highest.

Obviously many blacks other than those who speak by the burrow of the gun have the oratorical skill to steal anyone's heart like Mr. Obama did this 2008. This to many seems like the race once detested has proved its worth in the political history of this century.

The hope of renewing a new "Africa" is BUT another fallacy that should not even be thought by we the blacks. Under the sun and above the waters, Obama has done it proud to you and me – Congratulations my Luo brother. As an elected US president whose basic role is to ensure that the Americans; poor or rich, black or white get the worth of their vote, many blacks will wonder why and thats where Africans will cry 'foul'.

Whether Obama triples the aid to Africa, I strongly believe his desire to change Africa will be the hardest tasks in this continent led by power hungry leaders. Americans have planted seeds of faith, that to them will bare fruits of hope and change yet Africa sees this as an opportunity to ‘freely enjoy’ the fruits of having ‘the son of soil’ in a powerful position.

The hope to expect 'too much' will soon fade that the very obamamaniacs will begin sounding drums of 'hate' - why? The high expectation of being at the receiving end will not be achieved.

The response today is already showing signs of gaining cheap popularity in his home town. Hardly a day to his declaration as the 44th president, a Kenyan power company has installed power for the very first time at Obama's grandmother's home village - highest level of hypocrisy by our governments.

As bulls sacrifice their lives for the endless merry making at Obama's home town, i am for certain sure that soon the percentage of 'relatives' & 'kinsmen' will eventually double. The percentage of 'lazy' Africans will grow as poverty slowly eats away the highly expectant 'friends and relatives'. The highlight for his reign in power will show case why celebrations are endless in the African continent - high expectancy rate for freebies.

To add a voice to my excited 'Africans', the time is now to prove that we can do better than dancing for 'the son of the soil' and get wiser in the ways we shall manage the possible resources channeled to Africa. For as long as our mindset is still as it is, Obama will not have time for dictatorial regimes that have swept away hope for this continent.

For as long as we fail to recognise that while Obama was investing time in intellectual building as we see the fruits today we were busy 'wishing' and waiting for a time like this to come. I believe the the shopping list will drastically increase BUT i must say Obama is no Jesus the saviour - he is a man of principal who will work with principaled people. He will work with people of character, democrates, visionary people and a people with self drive.

WATCH THIS SPACE as i congraculate Mr. Obama.


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