A Hatrick against .... - Mabira [Part 2]

When you score 1,2,3 goals in a game - we call it a hatrick, when you score a hatrick you take the ball - when you take the ball , the ball is yours for keeps. But why is it that many or should I say all Ugandans never take balls home? Because they don't score hatricks??!! But don't they know where the goal posts are? or Did God simply deny them that goal scoring gift?

I have indeed not seen a well calculated goal being scored in the last 20 years by any of our 'strikers', yet my eyes have always been open. Having noted that, a friend of mine explains that the reason we have few strikers, I mean the Thierry Henrys of this world and yet we have been blessed with many defenders at the play ground is because we are born of a species called "vegica cowardica" - True or not true that is the answer. Defenders seldom or don't score neither do they allow goals to be scored.

He literally meant that we are cowards, fearful and probably faced with a syndrome of scarcity mentality - sometimes we see a glass of red wine half full and sometimes its half empty.

For days now I did realize that Ugandans have gone a step ahead - political maturity has taken its toll - where dudes and babes are willing to take the bull by its horns. For the sake of a forest they are willing to bend that law, if at all it does or does not exist for only those who are not below it. A company [SCOUL] that claimed to have been planting trees for the last 15 years, having existed for 80years - probably older than my grandmother have done more of the lying to win favors from those in power than doing what is expected of an aged company.

With claims that they have been preserving and maintaining the surrounding water sources, evidence shows that there is heavy pollution on R. Musamya - A smelly water body that has been chemically and biologically polluted. The water body that almost 5,000 Ugandas depend on has been tested and considered not fit for consumption. [Read: http://allafrica.com/stories/200703300414.html].

They have gone ahead to waste the mabira forest, that occupies about 27 arches of land. The forest is made up of good timber estimated to a tune of 500 billion Ugandan shillings if ever 'sold' off. The question is - who then becomes the timber supplier, who buys the timber and who contracts the contractors to fell the timber - is any one reading this? The gentle men have given conditions not to cut the forest, demanding billions of shilling as compensation. A feasibility study however shows that the cost of rebuilding a new plantation is about $200m much less than the compesation required to buy off the forest cutters. An option that has never been considered of a new plantation site at Sango bay would be more practical and environmentally viable to the ' Gifted by nature' nation.

Having been thirsty, hungry and angry for many years that did not go down well with the patriots - PLEASE am not talking about lukeworm but the patriots. Demonstrations that turned into violence sent shivers down the spines of many - by the way demonstrations were banned but the ideas will NEVER be banned.

Ugandans have now been baptized to a species called 'vegica bravodica' - and the hatrick was patience, persistence and consistence. Well played my fellow country men, I salute and bend for all the environmentalists and the team players not forgetting coach - MPs.

Caution: Let’s not be hoodwinked by that decision, a yes is not a yes until the yes becomes a real yes.


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